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Coaching for Peak Performance Workshop for Majorel (previously Arvato)

Congratulations to Penny Bongato and Andrea Goseco for successfully conducting the workshop on “Coaching for Peak Performance” for Majorel (previously Arvato Corp.) last January 19, 2019 at Eastwood Richmonde Hotel.


“The Coaching for Peak Performance gave the team a fresh perspective  on how empowering coaching can be for individuals, as coachees.  The session tackled realistic scenarios in the workplace where one can easily fall into the trap of ‘giving advice’, focusing on what the ‘coach’ wants, rather than helping one discover his strengths and translate them to applications, through coaching conversations.”

~ Stephanie Estimo, Learning and Development Head of Majorel

“The workshop on Coaching for Peak Performance was extremely interactive and relevant. Both presenters were able to shift the topics into actual real life concerns. The activities during the event were easy to apply for the managers back in the office. My Managers really enjoyed the new learning and even the one they knew was delivered in a refreshing manner.”

~ Erick Carcamo, Vice President for East Asia Operations of Majorel

Interested in offering a similar program for your organization? Email [email protected]