Coaching Philippines
Watch this testimonial from Atty. Patricia A.O. Bunye of Cruz Marcelo and Tenefrancia:
COACHING for Success and Improved Performance
POWERinU offers different coaching solutions that cater to your needs.
You may choose from different Coaching solutions, depending on important factors such as your situation, goals, priorities, and preferred outcomes. Each solution has its distinctive approaches, methodologies, and tools.
EMPOWER: Life, Executive & Business Coaching

We guide & support clients to ENVISION their purpose or goal, to ENABLE them to journey through opportunities & obstacles, and to EMPOWER them to take action & succeed.
Certified by and using Coach U / Corporate Coach U’s frameworks, methodologies, and tools, we specialize in life, executive, and business coaching. Aside from coaching, we provide value-added services such as mentoring, seminars, networking, community events, blogs/online forum, and tool sharing, among others. For more details, check out EMPOWER Coaching page.
N.E.W.S.® Executive Coaching

For senior executives and senior leaders in organizations.
A globally unique navigation coaching process.
Deep on-line and face to face diagnosis resulting in a road map for the coaching process, based on the “12 Box MatrixTM“.
Structured yet adaptable individual navigation process based on the N.E.W.S.® CompassTM. Unique coaching kit for the coachee to work in.
Results oriented and highly impactful.
Provides leaders the paradigms, skills and tools to improve effectiveness and navigate themselves to higher performance and self-leadership.
Improves the capability of going through change and become leaders of tomorrow. Measurable and ROI proven.
Research-based with outstanding results.
Download the N.E.W.S.® Coaching Flyer now.
For more details, check out the N.E.W.S.® Navigation: Personal Development page.
Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder-Centered Coaching (MGSCC): LEADERSHIP Coaching
The MGSCC approach, designed and certified by Marshall Goldsmith Group, is aimed to help successful people lead more effectively through a long-term change in leadership behavior. This highly successful approach to executive development and coaching includes a strong emphasis on the involvement of stakeholders, implementation of change, and follow-through to measure growth in leadership effectiveness. In the end, the only thing that counts is leadership growth, i.e., leadership (behavior) effectiveness on the job as perceived by stakeholders. As Marshall puts it: “Leadership Change and Coaching are simple but not easy!” For more details, check out the MGSCC Coaching page.
Jack Canfield’s SUCCESS Programs
Jack Canfield’s Success Programs are centered on The Success Principles and The Law of Attraction to help get you from where you are to where you want to be, faster than you ever thought possible.
Our Canfield Certified Trainer leverages this program to coach those who would like to achieve their dream, regardless of age, profession, or circumstances. It doesn’t matter what your goals are – the principles and strategies are the same, but they must be applied! For more details, check out Canfield’s Success Program page.
COACHING CLINIC: The Gold Standard for Creating a Coaching Culture

Corporate Coach U’s Coaching Clinic® is the standard for creating a coaching culture and igniting business performance. For well over a decade, this program has been proven effective within organizations seeking to: Retain valued employees, Develop leaders, Promote creativity, Deepen employee commitment, Gain a competitive edge, and Improve performance and profitability.
For more details, check out our Coaching Clinic page!
Here’s what they say about the Coaching Process utilized by POWERinU Coaches:
“The coaching partnership has provided me self awareness and a safe space for self discovery. It made me articulate my inner thoughts through the questions asked. Being the core of the discussion coupled with a systematic process of question and answer, I was able to identify a goal which will help improve the different facets of my life. The successive sessions helped me identify actions that will help me realize my objectives. The coaching partnership has improved my health, my personal growth and my relationship with family and friends.”
~ Chester Atlas, Head of Pricing at Margin Optimization & RS Pro (Private Label) in APAC
Explore, discuss, and experience our Coaching Services! Send us a message to inquire or email us at [email protected].