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COACHING CLINIC: The Gold Standard for Creating a Coaching Culture

Corporate Coaching

A 2-Day Workshop For Your Managers-Leaders on Corporate Coaching

This summary presents the Coaching Clinic® (Corporate Coaching of Corporate Coach U) as the standard for creating coaching culture and igniting business performance. For well over a decade, this program has been proven effective within organizations seeking to:

>> Retain valued employees

>> Develop leaders

>> Promote creativity

>> Deepen employee commitment

>> Gain a competitive edge

>> Improve performance and profitability

corporate coaching

This summary contains the following topics:

  • Corporate Coach U’s Coaching Conversation ModelTM (Corporate Coaching)
    • Jeannine Clinic Sandstrom and Lee Smith originally developed corporate Coach U’s Coaching Conversation Model TM in 1997. This model continues to be updated as the coaching profession continues to evolve.
  • The Coaching Clinic®
    • The Coaching Clinic® is a coaching skills training program originally developed by Drs. Jeannine Clinic Sandstrom and Lee Smith in 1997. This corporate-proven and time-tested program is the most comprehensive coaching skills training program for managers and leaders available today. The term, Coaching Clinic, is owned and registered by Corporate Coach U International, Inc. and grants license to individuals to facilitate after successfully completing the four-day Coaching Clinic Licensing ProgramTM.

Ignite Business Performance with Coaching

Introducing the Coaching Clinic® to your organization will infuse it with a coaching culture which:

>> Develops leadership

>> Expands awareness

>> Gives direct reports ownership and authority to achieve measurable objective

>> Promotes action and accountability

>> Facilitates breakthrough performance, and

>> Gives your organization a competitive edge

What is Coaching?

What Coaching Is Not

>> Repackaged management skills although coaching draws on certain leadership skills and competencies

>> Therapy or counseling although coaching uses some of the same communications and discovery tools

>> Mentoring although coaches will occasionally share their experiences and make introductions to their resources and networks

>> Consulting although coaches will infrequently provide their views instead of only evoking from the coachee

>> Training although coaching uses contemporary adult learning theories and focuses on accountability

Unlike other coaching models in the marketplace, we look at coaching as a standard of communication in the workplace versus a tool for rehabilitation or remedial skills training.

The Evolved Workplace

Today’s organizations understand that the traditional outdated “command and control” style of management is no longer effective. Today’s environment requires:

>> Rapid response times

>> Immediate feedback

>> Leveraged creativity

>> Focus on strengths

>> Resilience

>> Individual effort and performance in order to remain competitive

Retention is critical; coaching supports employee career/professional development. This, in turn, improves workplace satisfaction, which keeps valued employees.

What Coaching Is

Coaching is a refined process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to fully develop and be effective in their commitment to themselves, their work or vocation and their organization. Further, coaching is:

>> A designed alliance focused on developing an individual to become their “best self” and to contribute their “best fit” and talents

>> An ego-less process in which coachable moments are created to draw out distinctions and promote shifts in thinking and behavior, and

>> A professional discipline and skill set, which enhances performance, action, creativity, momentum and transformation

Common Coaching Outcomes

>> Improving employee and organizational resiliency and effectiveness in change

>> Effectively dealing with employee growth, development and achievement by removing roadblocks to performance and enhancing creativity

>> Promoting creativity, performance and action

>> Using all of one’s knowledge and experience to enable the person being coached to create and develop their own best practices, connections and resources

>> Providing feedback to support those they coach in developing their own skills and knowledge

The Value of Coaching

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, adding value is key to business success. Successful coaching using the Coaching Conversation ModelTM adds value to employees, who then add value to their organizations by giving their best efforts. Employees want to be:

>> Connected

>> Happy

>> Recognized

>> Productive

>> Innovative

Coaching creates the environment for this to happen.

Coaching skills found in the Coaching Clinic® also:

>> Build and enhance team and work group performance

>> Improve management and leadership

>> Motivate sales production

>> Deepen commitment to personal, professional and organizational goals, and

>> Promote diversity awareness and leveraging

Surveys Show

>> Corporate Coach U has surveyed hundreds of managers and leaders who have received leadership coaching services through Corporate Coaches, Inc., a division of Corporate Coach U International, Inc.

>> The majority of employees are highly satisfied with the professional coaching services they have received, would recommend coaching to their peers and look forward to the opportunity to get coached again in the future.

Benefits to the employee include:

>> Employees who are coached to performance rather than managed to performance are more committed to and invested in the outcomes of their work and achievement of organizational goals

>> Coaching, whether from an external coach or internal manager-as-coach, creates a safe environment for one to be heard, understood, respected and appreciated. This stimulates inspiration, ownership, creativity and innovation – and a win-win for all.

>> Career self-reliance is a critical employee competency in which employees trade skills and contribution for development and opportunity. Managers and leaders must coach their employees, as they become career self-reliant and engage in continuous career development.

Why Coaching is Critical Today

Coaching has never been more necessary than now. And, we can anticipate that in the future change will be the norm and individual resilience and performance will be crucial to team and organizational success. Coaching:

>> Leverages individual strengths and abilities for maximum performance

>> Provides for direct on-the-job learning as well as “just-in-time” learning tailored to the particular situation

>> Enables behavioral shifts

>> Allows projects and people to move forward immediately and with less effort

Change in business today is often not linear, and requires quick shifts into entirely new models and ways of thinking. Professional coaching supports people and organizations in shifting quickly to meet ever-changing business demands.

Organization Embracing Coaching

Research and experience show that:

>> Employees leave unskilled managers even if they are personally connected to the organizations mission, purpose and values

>> Employees achieve results when positively coached, rather than being constantly evaluated

>> Staffs with positive attitudes are more likely to succeed in their jobs and careers

Coaching fosters more positive employee attitude as a key component of development and enhances positive attitude through positive support.

Who Develops Coaches and Uses Coaching Services

Coaching has been identified by these organizations as a critical leadership and management competency:

>> Abbott Labs

>> Australian Railroad

>> FAA

>> IBM

>> Johnson & Johnson

>> Microcell Canada


>> New Zealand Police

>> Northrup

Many multi-national organizations and industries have embraced coaching and have embedded Corporate Coach U’s executive coaching services and products into their new hire onboarding process to executive development process.

The Coaching Clinic ® Delivers

Corporate Coach U’s Coaching Clinic®, with its proprietary Coaching Conversation ModelTM, is specifically designed for coaching in the workplace by the manager-as-coach. The Coaching Clinic® will:

>> Equip leaders with the knowledge and practical experience using Corporate Coach U’s highly effective Coaching Conversation ModelTM

>> Facilitate the development of primary coaching skills for managers and leaders.

>> Provide turnkey support for leaders developing and using coaching competencies so that a strong coaching culture becomes completely infused within all levels of the organization and creates the long-lasting benefits the organization seeks.

Developing Effective Coaching Skills and Competencies

In our opinion, sought-after coaches in the workplace are those who are well-trained, confident, open-minded and demonstrate strong communication skills. We believe the most effective manager-as-coaches are those who:

>> Support their direct reports in communicating clearly, seeing possibilities, owning solutions and creating timely and relevant action plans

>> Understand and develop their own coaching style, rather than following a cookie cutter approach

>> Can immediately provide critical feedback to others while leaving them feeling empowered and clear about next steps

New coaches, emerging manager-as-coaches and already successful leaders develop coaching competencies by:

>> Learning from coach training experts

>> Increasing their awareness of coaching and its benefits

>> Identifying their own coaching style and skill level, and learning to identify their coachee’s preferred coaching style

>> Regularly practicing using proven coaching tools with their own natural strengths

>> Requesting, accepting and acting upon insightful feedback.

In Summary

While some leaders may take to coaching more naturally than others at first, we find that the leaders we work with all enjoy and become effective coaches once they are supported by Corporate Coach U’s programs, models and tools for finding and using their own unique coaching strengths.

Coaching truly provides a win-win situation for the organization, the manager-as coach and their direct reports.

Explore, discuss, experience our Coaching Clinic® services solution! Connect with us now!

Feedback From Participants

What will successful application of the Coaching Clinic learnings and skills look like?

“More projects will be completed on time and team will be more engaged and feel empowered.  Team will be reporting results and will not be asking what to do.” 

“A level-up’d trust with each member of the group” 

“KPIs are met. Better aligned to results – both managers and staff”

“More engagement with direct reports…More sense of accountability from team members.”

“Success will be when my coachees go beyond our mutually agreed actions…It will mean they are motivated to be better versions of themselves.”

“Able to revive / build a coaching culture in my new organization. Have less threatening work environment and higher engagement. Have managers’ support and involvement in developing people.” 

Over-all, how was the program and/or your experience?

“The course allowed me to understand better the value of coaching. The pacing, materials, exercises and the course itself are all well prepared. The facilitators are well-equipped and very knowledgeable on the course content.” 

“The course content is great as well as the materials! The trainers are well very accommodating and willing to share.” 

“Good facilitators, very open/approachable, easy to talk and relate with. Pacing was just right and matched my learning speed.  Fun exercises.” 

“I find it useful and refreshing. It provides a structured approach on how to conduct coaching through numerous exercises.  The venue is conducive to learning.” 

“I really enjoyed the training…It’s great!!! Content is easy to understand, very relevant and interesting. I like the materials – world class! Exercises allowed us to practice and get to know and learn from each other.” 

“The facilitators are subject matter experts. The exercises/practices help us appreciate the lessons .” 

Our Coaching Clinic Clients


Connect with us if you would like to know more about how you may build a coaching culture within your teams and organizations through The Coaching Clinic® program, and successfully achieve business results through the development and practice of coaching skills. Send us a message to inquire email us at

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