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Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching (MGSCC): Leadership Coaching

Stakeholder Centered Coaching (MGSCC) is a transparent process that guarantees measurable leadership growth.

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The MGSCC approach is designed to help successful people lead more effectively through long-term change in leadership behavior. This highly successful approach to executive development and coaching includes a strong emphasis on involvement of stakeholders, implementation of change and follow-through to measure growth in leadership effectiveness. In the end the only thing that counts is leadership growth i.e. leadership (behavior) effectiveness on the job as perceived by stakeholders. As Marshall puts it: “Leadership Change and Coaching are simple but not easy!”

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MGSCC is a systematic methodology that is highly effective, transparent and time efficient. The efficacy of Marshall’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching approach has been clearly demonstrated in a comprehensive study among 11,000 business leaders on 4 continents which concluded that 95% of leaders who consistently applied the Stakeholder Centered Coaching process measurably improved their leadership effectiveness. This isn’t based on the opinion of the coach or the person being coached, but on the opinion of their 86,000 stakeholders.

One of the tools available under the Stakeholder Centered Coaching process is the Global Leader Assessment (GLA 360). This 360 degree leadership assessment was co-created by Marshall and has been designed by multinationals for multinationals. The assessment is used for leaders in a globalizing business environment and is based on in-depth research involving CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, 18 global thought leaders and 300 international business executives at 200 organizations of 120 multinationals on 6 continents. The GLA 360 measures the skills and competencies that today’s global leaders need to master and shows emerging leaders the areas they need to develop in order to succeed as effective leaders in a globalizing and competitive business environment. 


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