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N.E.W.S.® Navigation: Leadership Development

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Our suite of Leadership Development programs develops leaders with the capabilities needed for leadership in times of change.

Based on real time needs, the leaders can participate in the set of solutions as a pathway and continuum of development or undertake a stand-alone program within the suite of Leadership Development Training (LDT) programs.

Leaders that participate in our LDT programs are equipped with mindset, skills-set and tool-set to become a new type of a leader.

They develop their proactivity, participative leadership style and become more attentive, flexible, resilient, risk taker and a developer of people and teams. These are leaders who can navigate their people through a volatile, uncertain and complex environment and usher them into a new future. We create leaders of tomorrow able to thrive in times of change.

Our Leadership Development Training programs offer organizations the possibility to develop future bound leaders. The advanced experiential training programs provide your leaders and managers the needed capabilities in tomorrow’s new world.

They learn and practice new mindset, tool set and skill set to lead effectively individuals and teams through changing circumstances.

We train your leaders to use the N.E.W.S.® Compass as a diagnostic and leadership tool for navigating themselves, their team members and the whole organization.

We help organizations to develop new kind of leaders for the ever-changing reality.

Our Leadership Development Training programs can work for your organization as stand-alone programs or progressive pathway bringing more advanced skills to develop your leaders.

NEWS Manager as Coach and Mentor

Manager as Coach and Mentor

Impactful Coaching Conversations

Leading short and powerful coaching conversations.

This solution equips first and second line managers with tools to coach and develop people in times of change.

It equips leaders with key skills to motivate and direct individuals to greater achievement, incorporating a unique compass to identify where people are stuck.

It endows leaders with skills to unleash the talent and greatness of their people.

It provides a structure to hold high impact coaching conversations where development is required.

It offers cutting edge coaching techniques to re-engage and re-connect people.

It provides the capabilities to lead, motivate, empower and support team members where they may be out of alignment with the organization’s objectives, developing team member’s abilities and potential to move forward and navigate in times of change.

What can you expect?

  • Managers will be able to diagnose team member’s needs for coaching conversations.
  • They will acquire practical tools to coach their team members on the fly by learning how to conduct specific individual coaching conversations.
  • They will develop one-to-one leadership capabilities and foster a coaching culture in the organization.

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Manager as Team Navigator

Participative Team Leadership

Globally unique program for team leadership.

Develops leaders that are able to lead teams in unison and alignment through changes. Provides current advanced skills for participative leadership.

Highly effective for leadership of millennials and knowledge age workers.

Provides the compass as a tool to reach with the whole team together to changing challenges.

Develops the capabilities to co-navigate in real time to achieve optimum results together. Allows leaders to acquire core leadership tools to develop focused, high performance teams.

Creates future type of new leaders.

What can you expect?

  • A fast, deep and structured process of two days joint navigation based on the N.E.W.S.® Compass.
  • High impact, engaging and motivating process that leads to alignment, commitment and accountability of team members.
  • Results oriented clear deliverables with excellent track record globally.

Mission Possible

Being Effective in a Disruptive Reality

Unique interactive and intensive program that answers the need of being effective and focused in a highly disruptive work environment.

Develops leaders and executives to apply six timeless principles in order to improve productivity and translates them into contemporary up to date solutions, highly useful best practice and user friendly tools.

Includes unique AHA moments and realizations that make the learning experience really challenging at times and very direct.

It is highly effective for millennials and knowledge age workers.

Develops a “can do”, proactive state of mind, restores sense of control & focus, and reduces burnout and being over busy.

Provides very strong drive for commitment and implementation.

Can save 3 to 4 hours daily and make them more productive, leading participants to accomplish more in all areas of life!

What can you expect?

  • A highly structured and fast 9-hour leadership development workshop. Unfolds in a unique and comprehensive way: from the quarterly, to monthly, weekly, daily and momentarily focus.
  • Includes an addition especially for managers. Highly impactful, engaging and challenging process that improves effectiveness for the individual and the organization.
  • Little theory, much practicality and experience. Results in strong commitments utilizing modern digital tools with excellent track record globally. The coaching sessions help individual adaptation.

First-time Managers

The First-Time Managers solution deals with the essential leadership skills and tools for managers who are promoted for the first time. In most cases, these team leaders are not trained, not prepared, but instead left to themselves to try to figure out what to do.                                      

This solution is like a first aid kit for first-time managers. 

It is a highly practical and modular management development training – consisting of five 3-hour modules. We recommend one module per week, and one 90-minute group coaching session at the end. It is ideal for virtual implementation since the N.E.W.S.® Online environment offers exclusive content, such as videos, interviews, storytelling etc.

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N.E.W.S.® Advanced Virtual Leadership

Advanced Virtual Leadership – AVL is a 10-hour leadership development experience. It can be delivered in various modalities, face to face and virtually.

Managers who go through this unique program testify that it changes their approach to leading remotely and beyond. It makes them much more effective and capable in the new virtual workplace, leading knowledge-age workers and millennials. They are far more successful at leading highly complex virtual teams that challenge the leadership style of yesterday.

Learn more about the N.E.W.S.® Solution for LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.

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