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N.E.W.S.® Navigation: Personal Development

These solutions develop executives and high potentials individually to fulfil their potential and greatness.

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Self Navigation

Creating Your Next Version

Self Navigation is a 16-hour leadership development workshop that empowers high-potentials and leaders to find the right career path that will take them to the next, best step in the organization.

The experience is deep and dynamic, creating clarity and proactive accountability that can often lead to dramatic change and progress.

This research-based workshop is a powerful retention tool for organizations in their endeavor to maintain key talent groups engaged. It can be delivered in various modalities, face to face and virtually.

What can you expect?

  • Allowing high potentials to drive their own career in the organization, leads to high level of retention.
  • Helping participants break through their limiting beliefs and reach their potential develops the talent in the organization. This solution drives millennials to develop and grow inside your organization.

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N.E.W.S.® Executive Coaching

The N.E.W.S.® Executive Coaching programconducted by certified N.E.W.S.® Coaches, is a very structured, individual navigation process for executives.

It facilitates breaking through barriers and reaching new levels of performance and contribution with measurable ROI. It is a proven platform for self-growth and development.

It is tailor-made for executives in organizations. The process is structured yet adaptable. It is measurable, with a clear roadmap, transparent, replicable, goal-oriented and multidimensional.

It includes a unique Coaching Kit for the coachee. It is a methodological and results-oriented journey. It is considered top in its class in helping develop and transform leaders, worldwide.

It can be delivered in various modalities and combinations of face to face and virtual sessions. It usually lasts for 18 hours – 12 sessions lasting 90-minutes each.

What can you expect?

  • Focus on real organizational issues creating better alignment and engagement.
  • Our coaching process delivers measurable outstanding results for individuals, teams and the organization. The process allow breaking through barriers and reaching new levels of performance with measurable ROI.
  • It supports a global deployment of coaching processes based on a common model and language.

N.E.W.S.® Internal Coaching Certification

Becoming a N.E.W.S.® Coach is an 85-hour Executive Coaching Global Certification. It is mainly focused on developing organizational and internal coaches. It can be delivered in various modalities and combinations of in person and virtual sessions, and consists of the following steps: 

  • Preparation: Pre-assessment process for potential participants.
  • Live intervention: 20 virtually led sessions of 3 hours each. All together 60 hours of coaching development training based on the NEWS Compass®.
  • Implementation: One supervised coaching process. And group coaching sessions.

What can you expect?

  • Coaching methodology specially designed for leaders in organizations, easy to follow and implement. Measurable and structured yet personalized coaching processes, that enable the creation of an organization-wide coaching methodology and language.
  • The coachee process is supported by a kit and pre & post online assessments and is integrated with the organization’s strategy and real issues. They are measurable and easy to track.
  • The development of real coaching culture and established supporting systems.

Learn more about the N.E.W.S.® Solution for PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.

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