By Jun Marfori *
“The satisfaction behind delivery, the exhilaration of collaboration, and the fulfilment in having helped make a difference in both individuals and an organization.”
This is how I would characterize the June 18 engagement with start-up NETRUST Philippines, a one-day partnership event focused on Personal Leadership and Consultative Selling Skills – but anchored on their internal activity of Vision, Mission and Values alignment and team-building activity the day prior.
A strong Singapore-based Cyber Security segment player seeking to leverage on their brand and success to penetrate the highly competitive Philippine marketplace, they hunkered down to basics and wanted to ensure that personal aspirations are aligned with the desired future state of the entity, and this was led and role modelled by no less than their local Senior Managers, when they genuinely engaged in our activities, unabashedly shared of their aspirations and definition of success. This inspired the entire team to participate actively, showing their “skin in the game”.
At the end of that day, the individual and collective commitment to pursue their end goal and traverse their challenging road map, and the affirmation that the engagement and collaboration in an albeit brief one-day event – were an enabler, an empowering experience to help jump start their journey, and a fulfilling outcome. These were sufficient for me to believe that they will succeed.