Finally, here it is!
Now that countries are easing up in the lockdowns due to the pandemic of COVID-19, what will be the new normal? We know that things will not return to the old normal that we once knew.
I had the honor of conversing with 33 people from around the world with very rich insights on how we can manage our lives in this time of pandemic.
And yes, the ebook, Forward Shift, Managing Your Life in the Time of a Pandemic, provides guidance from Mentors and Coaches from Across the world, is the condensed version of all these conversations, including my insights.
What can YOU do now? Your life is in your hands. Take responsibility of your life. Learn from these mentors including Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, Jack is a best selling author and the beloved originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. And our very own Bro Bo Sanchez, Preacher and founder of Light of Jesus Family.
This eBook is full of helpful information, insights, and tips to help you move forward from where you’re currently at in today’s so called new normal.
This ebook is FREE for everyone.