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Ana Maria “Penny” Bongato, ACC

team penny bongato square

Director, Success Coach & Trainer, Facilitator, Business Change Consultant


Better known as Penny to friends and associates, she has been listed as:

Penny is also the First Jack Canfield Certified Trainer in the Success Principles in the Philippines and First in Asia, and is also now Certified Trainer in the Canfield Methodology.

As a Canfield Certified Trainer in the Success Principles, she has completed the Canfield intensive professional training program on how to experientially teach the principles of success and how to facilitate individual and group transformation workshops.  Having worked with Jack Canfield himself at his live training and events, Penny has honed her skills by continuously teaching and modelling the Success Principles in her daily life.  In fact, Penny has launched four books already: “Career Shift: Follow your Passion” in August 2017 with Foreword by Jack Canfield, “Ask For A Bigger Blanket” in November 2019, “Forward Shift: Managing your Life in the Time of a Pandemic in June 2020, and “The Book on Gratitude: Healing the World with Gratitude” last December 2022.

With close to 20 years of experience in the field of Human Resource and various MNCs in the Philippines, she was at the forefront of the boom off the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry in the Philippines acting as Director of Human Resources for companies including Dell, Convergys, Logica and Teletech, and as Regional Director for the Asia Pacific Region of Headstrong.

Penny has extensive experience in Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, Consumer Goods Services, Insurance and Business Process Management.  She was an Executive Director of IBPAP (IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines), a 2019-2020 Board of Trustee of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) and she was the PRO of the Career Development Association of the Philippines (CDAP) in 2014.

Penny is often invited to represent the Philippines as a guest speaker for various industries and academic institutions, both within the Philippines and overseas such as in Singapore, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Colombia.  She has very strong client relationship and a strong communicator at all levels.

Penny went into training and coaching because she likes to help others grow and reach their highest potentials. Through training and coaching, she has helped clients determine what they truly need and want, and work towards achieving their goals.

Penny is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She completed the Accelerated Coach Training Program of Benchmark Consulting and she is a North Star Coach (Maslow’s Coaching for Self-Actualization) from ICF’s Continuing Coach Education program. Penny is also a Certified Coach of The Global Team Coaching Institute, as well as a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Asia Pacific. At present, Penny is working with coachees who have been impacted due to the reorganization of their company. She also coaches senior leadership team members which results in better relationship with both team members and family.


Penny’s Books

Penny’s books are available in Amazon

Watch Penny in action

What Customers and Partners say about Penny

“Every time I hear Penny speak, she always does it with passion, determination and an unwavering purpose to making a difference to all that are present.”

~ Caroline Rochon – International Speaker, Trainer and Author

“Penny possesses a unique and rare gift as a speaker and trainer and has a special way of connecting with her audience. Her genuine desire to support others on their journey of growth and transformation is felt by all and she leaves her audiences wanting more.”

~ Cindy Ertman, Success Strategist, Founder & CEO, The Defining Difference

“True to the workshop title – Power to Change, the session was powerful in driving participants to reflect on their current state and towards change for success.  Penny was credible and engaging in facilitating the workshop. First time for us that participants were unanimous in saying that the session was great.”

Jojo Aguas, New Marketlink Pharmaceutical Corporation

“The Coaching for Peak Performance gave the team a fresh perspective  on how empowering coaching can be for individuals, as coachees.  The session tackled realistic scenarios in the workplace where one can easily fall into the trap of ‘giving advice’, focusing on what the ‘coach’ wants, rather than helping one discover his strengths and translate them to applications, through coaching conversations.”

~ Stephanie Estimo, Learning and Development Head of Majorel

“The workshop on Coaching for Peak Performance was extremely interactive and relevant. Both presenters were able to shift the topics into actual real life concerns. The activities during the event were easy to apply for the managers back in the office. My Managers really enjoyed the new learning and even the ones they knew (already) was delivered in a refreshing manner.”

~ Erick Carcamo, Vice President for East Asia Operations of Majorel

“I highly recommend this talk (Strategies of Success Workshop) by Penny Bongato to everyone who wishes to obtain clarity about their “Why”. Penny delivers her message with both character and competence. Definitely something not to be missed!”

~ Ben Ampil, Managing Director at Amplius Management Consultancy and US-Certified Neuroscience & NLP Coach

“I am starting my feedback this way to let you know that I found our session very,
very helpful. So much so that on that same evening, when I had to resume
working on our assignment, I instantly mentioned you to one of the group mates
I am close with and fond of.  To say I am happy and very satisfied is an
understatement. I finally found someone who can objectively look me in the eye
and say, “You are more than the sum of your parts. You are not a failure even
though a boss of yours told you off years before.”

~ Graduate Student and Career Coachee during the COVID-19 Quarantine Period in Manila (April 2, 2020)

“The highlights (of the coaching session) are some realizations on the things I should ask my new team and the focus that I am not a manager but a leader.”

~ Risk Manager of a Financial Institution in the Philippines (Penny’s Coaching Client under the Coaching for a Cause 2024 Program)

Download a copy of Penny’s ebook “FORWARD SHIFT” which talks about managing your life in the time of a pandemic. It also offers Tips and Advices from Coaches and Mentors all over the world