Are you one of those people who just cannot sit still?
If you do, then you are not alone. No matter what, it always seems as though I am always on a mission. Always anxious to move and do the things that need to be done. I have this dose of determination like no other.
In a world that often feels more fast-paced, busier & more hectic than ever, it’s easy to get swept up in the feeling of needing to do more, just to keep up.
I’m a proponent of staying on course and saying no to things that don’t serve you. But the trouble is, sometimes we spend so much time and energy trying to keep up and fit everything into our days that we can’t even enjoy them!
I am learning how to slow down and enjoy life right now, at this very moment. I am learning how to sit still without thinking of my to-do list all at once.
Here are 3 simple ways to help you slow down and create a slower, simpler life.
Hopefully, over time, these suggestions of ways to slow down will become ingrained in your daily routines and rhythms so you can live a slower life you enjoy.
How to slow down and enjoy life more!
1. Sit still or meditate

Spend 5 minutes noticing your breath. If 5 minutes feels too long, try 2 minutes! When you notice your mind wandering (and it will!), return your attention to your breath.
If you’ve never been so great at meditation and your mind tends to wander and start working instead of resting. Try to just simply sit still and absorb the scene around you to escape for a while. This brings the focus back to being present in that moment.
This might sound excessive to some, but maybe try setting an alarm at random points throughout the day, and for a minute just pause and take in what’s before you.
Notice the sights, smells, and sounds. Be aware of how you are feeling at that moment and consider if there is anything you could do to make yourself feel better.
Not only are you teaching your brain to be more mindful by returning your focus to your breath again and again. But you are also making an intentional choice to sit and slow down for a few minutes. Which is a great way to practice slowing down in general!
2. Savor your coffee or tea

I love coffee and I appreciate my coffee so much.
Taking the time to mindfully notice and savor small moments throughout your day is a great way to learn how to slow down.
Practice noticing, appreciating, and savoring your coffee or tea as you drink it.
Instead of checking your phone or drinking it while doing something else, try to be present for the experience of drinking your favorite drink.
Really taste it. Notice and pay attention to the color, the smell, the taste.
Anytime you can add small moments of mindfulness into your day, you’re practicing slowing down.
3. Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a great way to slow down and find more enjoyment in life. Not only does it help bring you back to the present moment, but it also shifts your mindset in a positive direction.
The great thing about practicing gratitude is it’s something you can do anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is take a few minutes and think of a few things you’re grateful for. Sometimes they are big things, like your health. Sometimes they are small things, like a cozy chair.
Just recently I’ve learned an awesome way to practice gratitude is by making it a daily exercise with a gratitude partner.
Me and my gratitude buddy have a daily call at 5’oclock in the afternoon. It’s our daily gratitude call where we share 5 things each that we are grateful for, for the day.
This exercise can be done with a friend, partner, coworker, or even your child to be your gratitude buddy.
It’s a great way to connect and share the parts of your day you’re grateful for.
Gratitude is a mindset that is often contagious. The more you share what you’re grateful for, the more you’ll encourage those around you to look for things they’re grateful for as well!
These are some simple ways you can work on slowing down so you can enjoy your life more.
Whenever you’re feeling rushed, overly busy, or simply overwhelmed, try some of these tips to help you slow down, calm down, and feel more content!