By Benjie Garcia, President and Director of POWERinU

November 17, 2023 was a memorable day for our POWERinU Team. We celebrated our exciting partnership with NEWS® through a morning event: “N.E.W.S.® Navigating In Time of Change”. We were so pleased that many of our select invitees (industry partners, clients and friends) joined us in this launch.
It was no ordinary launch event at the Manila House Private Club. After enjoying breakfast in the company of our guests and a brief introduction of POWERinU and N.E.W.S.®, our guests experienced an interactive learning session on one of the N.E.W.S.® programs, Organization Navigation, facilitated by the Directors of POWERinU. Small group discussions and sharing of insights from some of our guests highlighted the value of this programs’ simple yet efficiently structured approach to helping leaders and organizations successfully navigate in today’s Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous environment.

Capping the learning session was a short video testimonial from the leader of a N.E.W.S.® client in Germany who shared the significant performance improvement generated by implementing the program to his organization. The positive feedback and interest we received from this event affirmed our decision to offer the award-winning programs of N.E.W.S.® in support of our mission to empower individuals and organizations to achieve sustainable results.

The N.E.W.S.® practice draws upon more than 28 years of international experience in training, coaching and facilitation of strategic processes. Its international and highly experienced team share the same vision: A passion for human development and the desire to transmit the N.E.W.S.® process – a unique and universal method that blends a variety of navigation techniques with leadership skills.
The N.E.W.S.® highly experienced team offers organizations a level of excellence in training, coaching and facilitation, to support them strategically in developing overall high performance and increasing effectiveness and success.