Create a Coaching Culture and Ignite Business Performance in your Organization!
June 27 & 28, 2024
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Makati Sports Club
Course Overview
The Coaching Clinic is a 2-day leadership program designed to train Mid-to-High Level People Leaders and Managers to use coaching techniques in their work relationships, and thus, gain the advantages of bringing a coach approach to managing people.
Course Objectives
Corporate Coach U’s Coaching Clinic®, with its proprietary Coaching Conversation ModelTM, is specifically designed for coaching in the workplace by the manager-as-coach. The Coaching Clinic® will:
Equip leaders with the knowledge and practical experience using Corporate Coach U’s highly effective Coaching Conversation ModelTM |
Facilitate the development of primary coaching skills for managers and leaders. |
Provide turnkey support for leaders developing and using coaching competencies so that a strong coaching culture becomes completely infused within all levels of the organization and creates the long-lasting benefits the organization seeks. |
Course Outline
Day 1
Being a Coach – A Model of Trust and Creating a Coaching Environment, Personal Paradigm Shifts |
The Five-Step Process of Coaching in the Workplace – The Coaching Conversation Model |
Coaching Skills – Contextual Listening, Discovery Questioning |
Day 2
Coaching Skills (cont’d) – Messaging, Acknowledging |
Personal Coaching Styles Inventory (PCSI) – Defining Your Personal Style & Recognizing The Styles of Others |
Coaching in Organizations – Creating a Powerful Definition of Coaching, Coaching to Commitment, Challenges to Coaching |
Creating an Action Plan to Implement Coaching, Follow-Up and Peer Coaching |
About the Facilitator
Learning Investment
For inquiries about this training program, email [email protected].