“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds.
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.”
~ anonymous
Character shapes us, and becomes our destiny indeed.
I’d like to re-share key ideas from a webinar where I was a panelist on how to become the character & the destiny we want at work & life, even when we face and experience failures:
⚓️ Alignment of our “BEING (beliefs, values, thoughts, desires, aspirations) and our “DOING” (outward behaviors, actions, habits) is a pursuit in life worth striving for.
⚓️ To build our self and societal character, our INTENTIONS should always equal the IMPACT.
⚓️ As we go through the phases of life, we will define & measure success differently. Character is built over time through VICTORIES, as well as, the FAILURES that sometimes detour us from our desired or aspired life paths.
Extra-ordinary events that have challenged / are challenging us can actually serve as opportunities for character development:
💡The covid pandemic was a global crisis – but it was an opportunity to develop our characters & strengths such as caring, perseverance, resilience.
💡Technologies such as AI are great humankind progress – but will these enable us more to live our earthly missions & purposes, or will enslave or distract us more? For instance, will it make us more patient, present, productive, persevering, giving, kind, honest, loving, courageous, better human beings? Or will it make us self-centered, lazy, greedy, unkind, weak human beings?
At the personal level, I shared in the webinar how a failure in a food retail venture shaped my appreciation for the industry and its hardworking people. Along the way, I got to practice and strengthen humility, adaptability, courage, persistence, being purpose-driven, risk-taking and resilience.
Check out this video clip from the webinar, where I talked about this: