By Elaine Cercado, POWERinU Director, Senior Consultant, Trainer and Executive Coach

Have you discovered and written your Personal and your Organizational North?
How aligned are the two?
The North answers the question: WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO?
As the philosopher Seneca has written, “If one does not know to which part one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
When the direction for the future is clear to every member of the management and leadership team, and everybody follows the same direction, 100% team alignment and execution can be achieved.
Moreover, when there is alignment between our personal north and the organizational north, the outcome is magical – as a team of passionate and committed leaders work harmoniously together toward the direction of greatness.
It is not easy to navigate in our rapidly and constantly changing world; to reframe our diverse mindsets and transform our ways of doing things; and to end up aligned as one Team at the end of the navigation process.
With NEWS Navigation® CEO Marina’s guidance, we are achieving it! Together with Team POWERinU – I’m immensely grateful!
Connect with us at POWERinU if you need guidance in navigating your organization towards your true NORTH.
Learn more about the N.E.W.S.® Navigation.