POWERinU Training and Coaching Philippines, Inc. successfully held its first free and open-to-the-public virtual learning event for leaders last August 25 and 26, 2021 with the theme, “FULL POWER! Maximizing the P.O.W.E.R. in your Organization!”
The two half-day event was well-attended as leaders from various industries and fields invested their time and attention to plug themselves to enriching power sources that offered them a refreshing take on how they can lead their organization to an energizing transformation.
The learning event started off with an invocation led by POWERinU Director Ed Reyes, after which, POWERinU President Benjie Garcia welcomed everyone and shared that the event was also held to celebrate the milestone of POWERinU’s 5th year of fruitful operation.
The event led attendees to a 2-day journey that allowed them to focus on and recharge their P.O.W.E.R., with each letter in the word corresponding on a session that will help them do just that.
The first session, “Supply Chain as a Power Source”, was delivered by Charlie Villasenor, CEO of Transprocure Corp. and the Chairman of the Procurement and Supply Institute of Asia (PASIA). He shared how this pandemic and his recent scare with Covid has caused him to reflect and further step up his advocacy on improving the supply chain in the country. Having seen first-hand the drastic effects of a skewed supply chain system, Charlie shared his recommendations for the industry that he plans to push through his organization and through his network.
Meanwhile, Penny Bongato, Success Coach and POWERinU Director, spoke after Charlie, and she shared how the pandemic has also caused her to reflect on who she is and what she can contribute to her family and to society. Despite being an accomplished leader, she came to the realization that she was more than just the titles or labels she accumulated. She said that she now has an even greater zeal for service, education and changing lives.
After Penny’s sharing, Day 1 host Jun Marfori, POWERinu Director, then brought back Charlie and Penny for a brief Q&A with questions received from attendees via chat or direct messages.

Opportunity and Ownership
From rediscovering or refueling the fire of what makes us who we are and what our core or purpose is, the host then introduced the next session which will prompt leaders to assess where they are, and to identify their strengths, as well as the gaps, and actions they are accountable for to maximize their full power.
The session, “Deploying the Right Strengths for a Highly Engaged, Effective and Agile Organization” was given by Neville De Nazareth, Vice President for APAC of Core Strengths. Prior to the event, those who registered were given free access to take the Strength Deployment Inventory 2.0 (SDI 2.0). SDI 2.0 is an assessment that reveals why you do what you do and how you relate to others, and so, during the event, Neville led attendees to review the results of their assessment. He explained what the results meant and how they can use their new-found knowledge of themselves to improve and relate better with others.
To showcase how clear and strong self-knowledge can help you take advantage of opportunities around you, Jonathan De Luzuriaga, CEO of Spring Valley Tech Corp. and President of Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA), then went on to share about his personal journey, from when he was young to where his now. Despite a challenging start when he was young, he was still able to rise and make a name for himself. Despite some set-backs, he stayed true to his core. He knew what his purpose was and where he wanted to go, so he made the most of what he had, and at times, even making those ‘opportunities’ happen as well with grit and passion to serve God, his family and his country.

Will to Change
After a quick break, Jun then went on to introduce Jeremy Blain, Founder and CEO of Performance Works International to speak about “Becoming a Successful Transformational Leader”. Jeremy was very passionate and engaging as he spoke about enabling and energizing leaders to action. He shared trends and most important new leadership traits that will underpin success for the business, for its people and for leaders.
Following Jeremy, Glenn Estrella, Head of Venture Ideation and Acceleration of 917 Ventures, spoke on “Leading Digital Transformation”. He shared what it takes to lead transformation efforts, especially the focus and consistency of action one needs until the target is reached. Glenn also spoke about facing challenges head-on and having the willingness to take risks. After all, it is only when you take those leaps with calculated risks, that one can truly change.
After Glenn’s sharing, Day 1 host Jun Marfori then facilitated a short Q&A with questions coming from the audience. The host then wrapped up the day by summarizing key takeaways from each speaker followed by a raffle draw with prizes such as signed books from Penny Bongato and Jeremy Blain, as well as an SDI Team Assessment Prize courtesy of Core Strengths.

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
The second day 2 of the virtual learning event for leaders was hosted by POWERinU Director Elaine Cercado and she started the event with a quick recap of Day 1. After which, she introduced Thelma Meneses, Global LR/ER Head and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the Bottling Investment Group of The Coca-Cola Company.
Thelma spoke about the three key areas that define successful transformational growth initiatives – Leadership, Employee Engagement and High Performing Culture. She talked about the importance of inspirational leadership to reduce individual and organizational anxiety and stress, resolve conflict, and to allow people to effectively overcome life’s changes to become better version of ourselves.
POWERinU President Benjie Garcia then went on to share key learnings from three coachees he had. He emphasized the importance of a leader’s emotional intelligence and empathy in dealing and communicating with peers, colleagues and employees.
Day 2 host Elaine Cercado facilitated a Q&A with Thelma and Benjie, and a good number of questions were raised coming from the attendees. There was a lively and enlightening discussion especially on the role of leaders as coaches.
After a short break, there was a panel discussion facilitated by POWERinU Director Jun Marfori on the topic “Inspiring the Transformation Process”. The panelists were:
- JUN DE DIOS, Group Head of Marketing and Country Manager for Philippines of ASEAN Business Partners
- MA. LOURDES “Dette” ARUEGO, Managing Director of Assessment Analytics, Inc.
- JOSE MARI “Jojo” Mercado, Executive Coach and Professional Sales, Marketing & Business Consultant
- SHAWN D’ COTTA, Key Account Business Partner of Cegos Asia Pacific
The panel discussed was filled with rich stories and insights on how one can remained resilient despite changes and disruptions. The discussion was truly inspirational, and we hope it has motivated people to be more confident in handling risks and uncertainties, and in taking bolder steps on new grounds.
We are pleased to share that POWERinU’s first virtual learning event for leaders was a success, and this is all thanks to the wonderful team behind the event, the POWERinU Directors, the event partners, the speakers, the sharers, the panelists, and the attendees whose presence, questions, comments and the insights they shared, made the event truly remarkable and memorable.
Here are some of what the attendees shared about the event:
- Just into a few slides, and already a lot of realizations! Thank you so much for these insights.
- Thanks to all the resource speakers for their powerful talks.
- Thank you very much, this is a very good use of my time.
- ????????Thank you for this empowering webinar! See you again
- Thanks to all the panelists. Your talks are empowering.
- Worth our time to listen from the inspiring resource speakers. Thank you for the generosity PowerinU Team!
- All topics are really inspiring . You have motivated me to love my work more.
- Thanks PowerinU team for making this possible????
- Wow what a discussion. Very empowering. Thank you
- Great Full Power program. Kudos to all organizers.
- Very POWER-FULL !! Amazing Webinar!
Special thanks to our event partners who believed in the purpose of POWERinU’s learning event!
At a time when the global community is reeling from the effects of the pandemic, and leaders and employees alike, all need a much needed “recharge”, your support has been invaluable.

Congratulations to those who won during our raffle draws with prizes courtesy of our event partners!
These prizes and surprises definitely made our learning event extra special and exciting.